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 How does the Long Term Plan 2018 


 lifestyle and property investment? 


Christchurch Coastal Residents’ United (CCRU) is an association of coastal residents, communities and experts from across New Zealand, but is focussed on the Christchurch area. Membership is not exclusive and members of CCRU may be members of other residents’ associations. CCRU also occasionally acts as an informal umbrella group supporting other groups. 

Members believe that New Zealand coastal residents shall not be disadvantaged and should be able to enjoy their coastal lifestyle with the same level of support from regulatory bodies that stakeholders in other suburbs receive. CCRU supports the rights of coastal residents and communities. It works to bring about engaged consensus and consultation between all regulatory bodies, stakeholders and coastal communities on decisions that directly affect coastal residents.

CCRU helps its communities primarily by engaging its own community networks and will support legal remedies as appropriate.

CCRU advocates for resilient and sustainable coastal communities and lifestyles.

CCRU was established in response to the District Plan which was being fast tracked using CERA Legislation with minimal engagement with communities.


Whilst the Coastal Hazard provisions were removed from that District Plan the High Flood Management Zones were not and a 1m sea level rise was used in planning for these zones!


The overly restrictive planning rules that have resulted, as well as contradictory and apparently inconsistent planning advice from planners, are causing concern, frustration and having a social impact on our coastal communities.


CCRU's objective is to promote openness, fairness and communication with council on important decisions that affect our lives. Meaningful community involvement in discussions and decisions around these matters continues to be a focus and concern of coastal communities and CCRU, particularly as CCC, ECan and Regenerate Christchurch look to begin consultation on Coastal Hazard related issues.


Right now we re focused on the Long Term Plan 2018 (LTP). The LTP is cumbersome and inaccessible to most individuals. It contains numerous accompanying documents that need to be read in order to obtain the full picture.


1. Enabling active citizenship and connected communities.

2. Maximising opportunities to develop a vibrant prosperous and sustainable 21st century city.

3. Climate change leadership and informed and proactive approaches to natural hazard risks.

4. Increasing active, public and shared transport opportunities and use.

5. CCRU wants CCC to show faith and a commitment to its coastal communities.

We ARE making a difference. Your contribution of $200 for a membership fee, or a larger donation, will help. 


To proceed effectively involves commissioning reports and studies from Coastal Engineers, Climate Scientists, Planners, Economists and Environmental Lawyers. It costs money to fight this effectively.

Help us so we, as a group, can continue this effort on your behalf.

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