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Membership is only $200 a year.

To make a one off contribution to CCRU please visit our JOIN US page where you can choose the amount you'd like to contribute. If you can give more, we really need it to pay our bills.


CCRU will continue the fight on your behalf, but we need to remember those that brought you this policy in the first place haven’t changed their view on managed retreat and stopping building in Hazard zones.


In the short term we will take steps to remove the LIM notices and have the Tonkin and Taylor report removed as a reference. These steps are under way but professional advice doesn't come cheap.

There are ways you can help. We ask that you consider joining CCRU so we as a group we can continue the fight on your behalf.



MEMBERSHIP - why become a member?  

A contribution of $200/yr (or more) to become a CCRU member is a small amount to give against the potential losses of property value that the new Coastal Hazard Policy will have on your property.

To proceed effectively involves commissioning reports and studies from Coastal Engineers, Climate Scientists, Planners, Economists and Environmental Lawyers.

Losing is not an option. With your generous support we can win. 




We put you first and stand up to those who don't.



JOIN and be in the know for all the CCRU news and announcements. 


JOIN CCRU and help us spread the word.


JOIN the community      SHOW your support - JOIN CCRU    


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     JOIN US




Join by becoming a CCRU member- we need your help. You will receive up to date news and information about what is happening in all matters concerning CCRU. Be part of the solution and the team.



CCRU will continue the fight on your behalf.
Any amount you give will be committed to CCRU's mission to prevent potential losses of property value that the new Coastal Hazard Policy will have on your property.



To proceed effectively involves commissioning reports and studies from Coastal Engineers, Climate Scientists, Planners, Economists and Environmental Lawyers.


Losing is not an option. With your financial support we can win.

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