Protecting Resident's Rights
On July 4 2015, CCC announced an unprecedented attack on the rights of 18,000 property owners thorough Proposed Replacement District Plan and the Coastal Hazards Policy. This policy effected building rights now and into the future by making new building either discretionary or non-complying.
Christchurch Coastal Residents United ( was formed as an incorporated residents group to preserve and protect the rights and interests of Christchurch’s coastal residents. We are property owners, business owners, developers, IT consultants, software developers, a marketing consultant, RMA consultant, barrister, several architects and a Doctor of Mathematics.
CCRU is actively engaged with the government and the CCC in developing a consistent and collaborative process of assessment for all New Zealand coastal communities, recognising each area has unique characteristics.
CCRU organised a number of well attended meetings, worked to get the submission time extended and then through lobbying Government the Coastal Hazard overlays were removed from the PRDP.
The Hazard overlays were based on the much criticised Tonkin and Taylor report. Independent experts have stated that this report is not fit for the purpose of making planning decisions. As LIM notations are also based on the T&T report, we are working to have these removed.
At present, due to CCRU pressure, the CCC has agreed to Peer Review the report for a second time. Due to the questionable content of the T&T report, CCRU is outraged that the High flood Hazard Management areas also based on the T&T report are still in the PRDP.
CCRU recognises that climate change is real. We are working to establish an adaptive approach that measures what is occurring in real time while collaborating with effected communities and investigating a range of options.
There is still much work to be done. We need your financial and collaborative support.

Tim Sintes has been a member of the Burwood Pegasus community board for 9 years. He is a life-long beachside resident in Christchurch and Deputy Chair of this community based group, CCRU.
PHOTO: Tim and Jan Sintes (Treasurer of CCRU)