Regenerate has paused- CCRU suggests "where to now?"
This document is directed mostly to Regenerate Christchurch in the face of their “pause” and associated community concerns about the lack of earthquake repairs in the Coastal South New Brighton/Southshore project area.
Adaptation is separate from earthquake repairs, and these repairs (pre-adaptation) must be done before the adaptation process begins.
This document was written during January 2019 in the context of an adaptation research trip to Scotland and England. Informal consultation occurred with both SSRA (South Shore Residents Association) and SBRA (South Brighton Residents Association) to produce a draft document. A courtesy draft version of this document was passed to both Regenerate Christchurch and Christchurch City Council mid-February, and CCRU wish to thank both organisations for their helpful responses.
This final document has been submitted to SSRA as well as Coastal Burwood Community Board for their approval and is now public. CCRU believe the analysis contained herein is penetrating and current and hope that it is of use to both Regenerate and Christchurch City Council to break the stasis that has formed around Coastal community earthquake repairs. For their own wellbeing, our communities need these repairs to be completed soon, and if this document assists in this it will have succeeded.
Simon Watts
Chair CCRU