Coastal Adaptation Framework report
On April 7th 2022 the Coastal Framework group and the Coastal panel will present the Coastal Adaptation Framework report to CCC- item 17. This council link is a view of the whole council meeting for the day.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council approval of:
1.1.1 The Coastal Adaptation Framework (the Framework) which sets out the Council’s approach to adaptation planning with low lying coastal and inland communities that will be impacted by sea level rise; and
1.1.2 The appointment of the Coastal Panel for Lyttelton Harbour / Whakaraupō. Note that the names of the candidates to be appointed are contained in a Public Excluded attachment and if discussion of these candidates is required, Council will move into a Public Excluded session to protect privacy of the candidates.
This is the actual ITEM 17 Coastal Framework and Coastal. LINK: Download PDF