Council Says that repairing estuary edge may lead to continued development as a result of perceived

Council Says that repairing estuary edge May lead to continued development as a result of perceived safety.
- Inconsistent with past Council decisions to defer work for consideration alongside adaptation planning in the Regeneration Strategy.
- Inconsistent with South Brighton Park erosion management options and the Management Plan
Purpose of item
For the Council to decide whether to take over leadership of the Regeneration Strategy for
Southshore and South New Brighton, and if so, the preferred process for Council to progress
the adaptation planning work.
Christchurch City Council
Notice of Meeting:
An ordinary meeting of the Christchurch City Council will be held on:
Date: Thursday 9 May 2019
Time: 9.30am
Venue: Council Chambers, Civic Offices,
53 Hereford Street, Christchurch
Item 22. Regeneration Strategy for Southshore and South New Brighton: Transition of leadership and next steps
Read the reports here: