Access to the Operative District Plan

As you know the Coastal Hazards Chapter was removed from the Christchurch Proposed Replacement District plan but will be revisited this year for inclusion.
The MFE are due to issue a new report suggesting guidelines for Coastal Management and climate change to support councils.
There is still much work for CCRU to do. Our aim is:
To ensure a sensible, fair and transparent approach is taken but all stakeholders
That there is consideration given to adaptation and various approaches can be discussed and evaluated.
That communities are part of the conversation and decision making process and that there is some consistency New Zealand wide as to how councils respond.
We will keep you informed as new information comes to hand.
The plan is now operative
Many have been following the work of CCRU with the Christchurch District Plan. The plan is now operative. Below are the following links to search the overlays that pertain to your property. All you need to do is put your property address in the search bar.
Click the all layers tab to see all overlays for your property and these will also be listed on the bottom of the page.
Click on this link to see what the objectives and the rules are for each overlay
Particular chapters of interest for Coastal Communities are:
Chapter 5 Natural Hazards indicating the various HFHMA and flood zones
Chapter 9 Natural and Cultural heritage and 9.2 and 9.6
You can also put the word 'coastal' in the search bar and it will search for all coastal references in all chapters.