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Southshore Inundation Protection Levy

Southshore Estuary Shoreline

On Monday the 20th of March the SSRA (Southshore Ratepayers Association) presented the Coastal-Burwood Community Board with a Residents Survey in regards to the Estuary Protection.

This protection is urgently required to keep the Eastern coastal communities safe and healthy.

The SSRA, becoming dismayed at the lack of progress in the reinstatement of the Estuary, has taken this by the horns. They have worked with a respected Coastal Engineer to develop a solution that is both ecologically sound and fit for purpose.

This design celebrates and showcases the unique environment our eastern estuary is for greater Christchurch, while providing a level of protection that is vitally needed by the community.

The great news is that the design is more sensitive and adaptive to the area and the projected costs are substantially lower than any CCC proposed concepts.

SSRA have done tremendous work in canvasing their community to ensure that residents have seen the design and can put forward their views. The survey indicates overwhelming support to the design and its intent.

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