Mayor personally commits to GETTING IT FIXED

Mayor says she 'personally commits to GETTING IT FIXED, FIRST!', meaning putting the IHP rule back into the District Plan so people can get resource consent to build.
At the Community Meeting last night held in New Brighton, the hall was packed to capacity. Concerned residents of Christchurch East attended to gather in support and rally together to show a united front on getting action on this erroneous and debilitating wording that exists in the district plan right now..
Christchurch Mayor Lianne Dalziel was asked to make a comment. She says she is 'confident the council will vote unanimously on Thursday' to get the RUO rule and policy statement put back in the District Plan as was intended by the IHP, reflected in Judge Hansen's letter.
Issue 2 is she wants to find out why this omission occurred. But clearly states that it imperative this rule needs to be re-instated first, then find out why it happened. She supports her CEO in attaining a full independent inquiry into this matter.
She said she personally commits to GETTING IT FIXED, FIRST!
The videos include questions to the mayor from the audience on the democratic process and transparency of council process and decision making. The subject was brought up on Code of Conduct staff complaints and pending disciplinary action on Councillor David East and three community board members, Kim Money, Tim Sintes and Darrell Latham. CEO Karleen Edwards addresses the question.
Audience raised the questions of insurability, insurance rate increases, slumping property values and insane council demands in regards conditions needing to be met regarding building permits.

Audience member poses question to Lianne Dalziel

Warwick Schaffer (CCRU) explains the RUO and intended ruling from IHP

Councillor David East presenting views on his duty of care to his community
Link to VIDEOS of meeting 11-9-18 in New Brighton
Part 1 - MC Allan Coburn reads letter from Sir Tipene O'Regan; David East; Kim Money; Time Sintes: Darrell Latham; Warwick Schaffer (CCRU*) 46:00 minutes
*Link to the 3 slides (PDF) used in the CCRU presentation:1- RUO map, 2- CCC drafting service, 3- Comparison of actual IHP decision vs.the changed version ending up in the District Plan >